The adventures of eggless brownies
Feb 26, 2024
I have promised to share not only the good, but also the bad and the BURNT. Alright so let me start by saying this adventure didn’t begin with the idea of “I want to create an eggless brownie” but let me explain how we got here.
As my love for the kitchen and all things baking was growing, so was my creativity in the kitchen. I’ve almost completed a new recipe for a New York style massive and delicious cookie but my taste buds were growing tired of only testing such. So…I figured it had been a while since I’d had a divinely decadent and tender brownie. Honestly it started by doing a quick google search for just a basic brownie recipe and as I went to gather my ingredients I realized I was a few short on eggs(do y’all see the theme of needing to check my ingredients before deciding what to bake?). And as history had it, my last concoction of running out of ingredients turned out great. So, in the words of Ross from friends “PIVOT”
I rummaged through the fridge thinking, “what could I use instead?” After landing on mayo and a few more google searches later it seemed like it would work. After all, I know Portillo’s famous Chocolate cake uses a large amount of mayo in their incredible recipe!
I prepared the rest of the recipe as google had stated and honestly the batter looked promising. Consistency looked identical to every batter I’d previously seen. Taste-BAM, all that was left was to place it in the oven and…await the dreadful fate!
As I went about my business cleaning the kitchen. The wonderful aroma of chocolate filled the air. Excitedly I peeped to see what they looked like through the oven door and…I don’t know even know if there are such words to describe the disaster happening inside. I decided to let them cook for the allotted time just praying to the baking gods that it would come together in the end.
It did NOT.
I removed my first sacrificial eggless brownie batch. Sizzling with a layer of separated butter on top I had decided…CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
I was on a mission to create a delicious eggless brownie…Stick around to find out more!
Challenge accepted